In the early 90’s,population in eight barangays in Maricaban had inflamed to 30,000. This prompted the people in the community to request the congressman to construct a school within the community. In May 1993, Congressman Jovito Claudio coordinated with Mr. Cunanan the CAA manager to donate a parcel of land about 2000 square meters, triangular in shape at the back of KIA motors. In June 7, 1995, the school became operational with only six teachers and 252 pupils from grade I-IV, the first graduation was held at Apelo Cruz Elementary School with nineteen graduates. A two-storey building with four classrooms was erected and named Maricaban Elementary School ( Apelo Cruz Elementary School Annex). It was in the year 2000 when separate plantilla was produced. Maricaban Elementary School became an independent school. It is also in 1993, residents of eight barangays in Maricaban requested the construction of school in the community for the adjacent schools were quite farther from their vicinity. Thru the initiative of Congressman Jovito O. Claudio, the lone Representative of Pasay City, prompted the realization of construction of the classroom building with 8 classrooms. The school partially completed its construction in 1994. The school has begun operating since June 1994 with only nine (9) teachers.
To with; Vivian Gaco Petterson, Rosemarie Junio Fariñas, Rowena Rabaca Junio, Jane Palma Paylado, Brigida Cas Turiano, Florence Cachero Suratos, Josephine Rosaldo Medina, Jeansy Ritumalta Naniong and Aura Aurora Rumbaoa Gonzales. Their principal was (Mrs.) Adelaida A. Montes (concurrent principal of Apelo Cruz Elementary School. The first graduation was held in its mother school at Apelo Cruz Elementary in 1995. In the year 1999, Mrs. Naniong initiated the separation of school plantilla through a request letter to the Regional Director of then DECS (now DepEd). That in year 2000, Maricaban Elementary School, Apelo Cruz Annex became an independent school and renamed as Maricaban Elementary School. The following Principals and their terms of Office were:
Former teachers from this school who later became principal were: Jeansy Naniong, Noel Junio, Tirso Gali and Cynthia Paguia
It was in the year 2000 when Mrs. Jeansy R. Naniong ended her term as the Officer In-Charge of the school. She departed from the school leaving another construction of a two-storey building. Mrs. Grace Irene Villanueva was the deputed principal after Mrs. Naniong’s leadership from school year 2000-2001 proceeded by Mrs. Avelita B. Mercado who remained only for months and yielded the responsibility to Dr. Erna R. Doctor from school year 2002-2005. The enrolment elevated to nearly two thousand during the term of Ms. Araceli Caampued from year 2005-2007 . Mr. Rodulfo C. Tirol took the place of Ms. Caampued followed by Mrs. Nancy C. Pascual who allowed room of opportunity to the teachers of granted scholarships of the Department of Education from 2008-2009. It was in the administration of of Mrs. Esmenia C. Pambid when the enrolment attained two thousand twenty one number of pupils based on the yearly report of enrolment of school year 2009-2010. Mr. Severo Bajado replaced Mrs. Pambid as Officer In-Charge of the school from June 2011 to September 2011. Mr. Noel F. Junio was the assigned principal after Mr. Severo Bajado transferred to another school. An immense revamp of school administrators in the Division of Pasay took place that caused Mr. Junios’ leadership in the school lasted for a year.
Mr. Tirso V. Gali superseded Mr. Junio’s position which started on May 2012 and lasted only for two months due to the directive of the Superintendent of Pasay. This order brought back Mr. Junio as the school administrator of the school for two consecutive school years from 2012-2014.
It was in the headship of Mr. Junio when the school ranked the National Achievement Test of grade VI in the highest spot in the Division of Pasay for two succeeding years and the local government started the construction of a new four-storey building with six classrooms and comfort rooms to address the need of classrooms due to the yearly inflation of enrolment. In April 2014, a vast revamp of school administrators transpired that vacated Mr. Junio’s position for he was moved to another school.
Mr. Romy P. Socao took over after Mr. Noel Junio’s term of leadership. During his administration where the construction of four storey building with twelve classrooms and rehabilitation with repair of old building (Building 1) was conducted. Several improvements has observed in the school in his term of leadership.
After six years MES has a new school head under the administration of Ms. Eden E. Dioquino. Ms. Eden Dioquino started her leadership in the month of November last year. Currently the school administration continuously commits in leading the institution to achieve its goals through establishing effective reforms, enhancing and improving learners potentials, encouraging and involving parents and others stakeholders in the delivery of quality basic education services.